Friday, December 28, 2007


That means in the next year we will be starting drivers ed and possibly getting a drivers license. I just started not to worry every time older son goes out the door now it starts all over. OK, I still worry I just don't hide his keys as much as the first year or two he was driving! And the grey hair keeps coming!

Our visitors thinking about jumping in!

The Christmas Week in Review :)

We had a very nice Christmas. We had our party for the family on the 23rd. Lots of food and fun. Milo even seemed to enjoy the company. My sister and her family, my brother and his wife, my parents, and our next door neighbor were all here.

On Christmas Eve the kids and I went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. We all thought it was cute. We went to an early service at church and then went driving around looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood. The kids each opened one present before bed.

This year Santa did something a little different :) All the packages were mixed up under the tree together. Names were hidden in the print of the wrapping paper and they had to figure out whose package was whose before unwrapping. You would think we could have slept in a little, church wasn't until 10am and the kids are older, but we were up by 6am. After church we went to my mom and dad's for dinner. We had fun playing a game called Apples to Apples. When we came home we tried out one of older son's Christmas presents. A hot chocolate maker. Really it is just a jug to hear up water or milk and a battery operated frother :) He also has some hot chocolate mix from Starbucks. Then put put on It's a Wonderful Life and drank our hot chocolate until we all decided we were hungry again and I ran out to see what was open since we were out of everything in the house! Well, not much is open on Christmas Evening :) Even the gas station didn't have a frozen pizza. The convenience store by our house was open and had a very small frozen pizza left and a loaf of garlic bread. They were glad I found something!

Today was younger son's 15th birthday! My niece and nephew went and picked up my mom. My sister is sick so she didn't make it. Younger son and I picked up one of his friends and we all went to see National Treasure Book of Secrets. After the movie we all went out to lunch and then back here for cake. I was taking pictures and put the travelers by the birthday cake and realized they still had on their Disney ears :)

The weather was cold and snowy. We had a snow advisory for awhile. We only ended up with a couple of inches, but it was messy out driving.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday week!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Blessings

Our church Christmas Eve, just as the service ended.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!

Our Tree 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Reduced Shakespeare Company The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

I meant to include this in my last post. Younger son and I have had this DVD for about a year now and never watched it. I just couldn't interest him in it even though he said originally he would like it. Well we found out adutions for the Spring play will be early January and the play will be "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare. It was noted that it would be a good idea to be familiar with the languge of Shakespear. Right away younger son had me take him to the library and take out the play and the cliff notes for the play to understand it a bit better. I of couse being the helpful mom that I am pulled out this DVD. Younger son said "Where did we get that?" How soon they forget! We ended up watching it this week. This was one of the funniest things we have watched in a long time! It has some adult languge now and then, but for older kids it is great. I must say it is funnier having some knowledge of his plays before hand, but younger son thought this was hystarical! We really didn't learn too much about the play he is doing becasue as you can imagine all of William Shakespeare done in 90 minutes really dosn't dwell on too many individual plays :) It is done by a three man comedy troupe. It includes Adam Long, Reed Martin & Austin Tichenor. I believe it was done in Canada and shown on PBS broadcast. If you get the chance to watch this, I recommed it!

Milo After His Bath

Tone Chimes

Younger son is about middle in the dark blue suit. He plays the E and E flat.

Concert Chorale

View from where I sat. Younger son is a bass.

Mens Chorus

The Band

Younger son in back playing during the band concert.

Older son playing during the band concert.

Older son in back playing with the orchestra.

Sons With My Sister & My Parents

Older son with the band director and his two friends that wear some kind of hat each year for the last song played.

Almost Christmas!

I hope you are all having fun preparing for your holiday fun. We are now done with plays, concerts, decorating, shopping, and even Christmas cookies. Our family party is quickly approaching. I have most the food bought. I just need two more stops tomorrow after my doctors appointment and the food will at least be in the house. Most is finger foods and things to just warm up so it will be easy.

I have to back up to last Saturday. We had our plans older son was at work all day and then the children's Christmas program at church that he was working the sound and video for. Younger son and I were going to the bank, get Milo over to the dog groomers for a bath and his nails to be trimmed which he badly needed! As soon as I shut the door, I knew it! My keys were hanging right inside the door and we were locked out. It was the day we had lots of snow and it was cold. I though younger son must have his keys with, what are the odds of both of us leaving them at home? Turns out very good! I ended up calling a lock smith who couldn't pick our lock. There was no other way then to drill the lock out and replace it. Four hours later and $129.00 poorer we ended up only going to get the dog groomed. The bank was closed and I was able to change the dogs appointment for later in the day. But at least we have a new lock that opens with the same key as our top lock now. I think I would have felt better keeping the lock he couldn't pick instead of the shinny new one that will be easier to get in!

Monday was the kids band concert. It was wonderful. First was a prelude with the tone chimes playing 3 songs. Next came the concert chorale they sang three songs. The men's chorus sang a wonderful version on "Do You Hear What I Hear?". Then we had the cadet and concert band combined and they did three songs. The concert band stayed and played three more songs finishing with Sleigh Ride. Older son and two friends in the band each wear something to surprise the band director each year during the last song:) This year it was Santa hats.

Older son was able to play with the orchestra this year. For a couple of songs the orchestra needed band instruments. Older son and a couple of other band people sat in with them. This is the first year I had a child in each group! Younger son wanted to do violin to be part of the orchestra for a couple of years now. We gave it a try two summers ago, but it was just too expensive along with all the band stuff. I will put up some pictures of the night when I am done with the post.

Yesterday I went shopping for all the things I needed to make cookies and a few things just for us. I made a couple of batches of Spritz cookies, Chocolate Chip cookies and Crescent Cookies. Along with 50 Reindeer Noses and Spicy Sugared Cashews. The house smelled so good especially when the cashews were cooking!

The next two days will be for cleaning and setting the house up for our guests. I wish all of our flat travelers lived close enough to have an open house each holiday to tell you all in person how much I appreciate your friendship and getting to know you all! I pray you and your families have a blessed Christmas and a safe, healthy, prosperous New Year!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Younger son in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"

The Herdman brothers and sisters. Younger son is playing Ollie Herdman

The Cast of Characters

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
by Barbara Robinsin

Younger Son in the Play

The Winter Puzzle

The Season Rush is Upon Us

With all the decking the halls, cooking, gift wrapping, plays and concerts going on why did I think it was a good time for younger son to take out our 2000 piece puzzle of The Lords Supper we were going to work in this Winter? Lack of sleep and bad judgement if you ask me. In 8 days I will have a house full of people and need the 6 foot table that the puzzle is now on to make Christmas cookies, pay bills, and then decorate with all the food I have yet to even consider buying groceries for :) Lets say I just didn't realize how many 2000 really is until I saw it. Needless to say I am carefully bagging up the end pieces, middle pieces and laying what little we did put together in chunks on to of the box until after the 25th.

Younger son had his play last night. It was wonderful! They did "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" by Barbara Robinson. Younger son played Ollie Herdman and Ollie in the pageant played a wise man. I am going to post a couple of pictures. It was the best costume yet! I didn't have to do anything except make sure his clothes were wrinkled and dirty, his hair was uncombed and messy, and remember the drama teacher's gift. I am usually so stressed about getting him there presentable and getting there unwrinkled it was a nice change of pace!

After this post it is off to do the bills, make lists for the next 8 days, call and make a couple of appointments and oh yea PUT THE PUZZLE AWAY! Can you believe I made a doctors appointment this close to Christmas? My blood work is Monday and I see the doctor on Friday. It is not going to be a pleasant appointment since I haven't been watching what I have been eating for two months or even checked my blood sugar since I have been home from vacation, but I swear after the first of the year I am going to lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, clean the house, take care of my health, make healthy dinners for the kids and everything else I should be doing. Well, I don't smoke or drink so I guess I am off to a good head start!

P.S. The John Braden Journal will have to wait to be finished. I finally am giving myself permission to cross one thing off my to do list that doesn't have to be done right now. I will continue with the diary after I am caught up and give it as family gifts next year. To all that have asked, the family cookbook will be restarted in full force right after Christmas. I am guessing a month of typing and then I will send it in.

Monday, December 10, 2007

You can imagine the dog treats I went through to get these pictures :)

Milo's Christmas Picture

Milo's Gift From Disney :)

Notice the Micky house behind Milo, it is the house we added to the village this year.

Page Sixty One John Braden's Diary

sunday the 15
we all went to Johns to day to eat eggs it being easter sunday tom & grace stoped there a little while John & ella was here last night all so mrs Brown cora is sick

monday the 16
i went up town after supper Paid ___ smith $1 50 got a bottle of medsin $1 00 Paid John g

tuesday the 17
John & family was here to nite

wensday the 18
i got a load of coal from the foundry John & family went to ma

thursday the 19
i stayed at satlings bank to see a bout mas note

friday the 20
i planted some garden John planted my taters before he went a way

saturday the 21
i went up town after supper

Page Fifty Nine & Sixty John Braden's Diary

friday the 30
i got a letter from uncle John Braden in reguards to the estate i signed a relece & sent it to him

saturday the 31
i went up town

sunday the first of April/1900
i fixed the pump

monday the 2
pay day i went up town paid ____ 35 cents for gloves i got a $1 10 worth of feed from pringle

monday the 9th/1900
was pay day i went to the log John & ed came down John & ed wint with me up town John went to the log ed g & ed B went a way on the train for the east i loned john g $2 00

tuesday the 10
uncle John sent me my part of the esstate $231 19 the esstate was settled up the 9th of April 1900 i went up town after supper i went up to the bank at noon & signed the recipt for my money i drawed $31 19 out of the bank i paid the Hearld for my paper paid pringle $3 30 got a draft for aunt mary for $11 00

wensday the 11th
I went up town after supper got the boys a hat a peice got John a pair of pants

thursday the 12
i went up town after supper i got $2 00 worth of medcin

friday the 13
i rote aunt mary & lent her the draft for $11 00 i run the engin to day

saturday the 14
i went up town after supper paid the store $12 78 got a shave got $3 50 from John got to boxas of pills 25 cents got 5 cents of soap

Page Fifty Seven & Eight John Braden's Diary

thursday the 15

friday the 16
we got a letter from ma

monday 19
pay day i settled the store bill $2 69 minnie went back home

sunday the 25th

monday the 26
pay day i got 2 x 1/2 tons of coal

friday the 2 of march
we moved i paid rent $7 50 minnie came back to day

saturday the 3
ed B came back pa g was here

sunday the 4th

monday the 5
pay day i paid the boys for moving me $1 75 wife sick

monday the 12
i got paid i paid John $5 00 i came home from the work sick i wint to the log ella came over

friday the 16
i am getting all wright had been sick all week settled up with the bank got my _ _ossit book

monday the 21
Jo Barnes brought me a load of foddar i have been running the engin yesterday & to day

thursday 22

friday 23

saturday the 24
the engennear got back to day

sunday the 25
this is mas birthday there was snow on the ground this morning John g was here

monday the 26
dad was here it was his birthday i paid the store $5 00 & i owe them $4 10 i went to the log

tuesday the 27

wensday the 28

thursday the 29
M W a had a big supper & dance it snowed all day

Page Fifty Six John Braden's Diary

tuesday the 30
i went in the meshine shop i got a load of coal from the lit__field (mfg co)

wensday 31

thursday the first of february

friday the 2

saturday the 3
soald the old mare for $25 Jo B was at the foundry i went up town got wife a pair of shoes & John a pair $3 50 got me to pair of waists & to pair of over halls $2 20 a pair of gloves 35 cents candy 10 cents

sunday the 4
i went up town got me a pair of pants $3 00 i wint down to georges pa came home with me

5 6 7 8 9 10

was home all day pa was here

Monday the 12
pay day i paid the store bill $6 28

tuesday the 13 & 14
i dident work

Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Note About the John Braden Diary

I should post every so often what this diary is and dates to let some one just coming to the blog know what these pages are and who wrote it.

John Braden is my great great grandfather. He was born December 19, 1864 in Illinois. He started this diary when he moved to Webster City, Iowa in 1898. The diary spans over a year with a few entries after.

I though since I am putting John Braden's diary on here, it might be a good idea to put some information about his family here too. I was just writing this last entry and looked at some of the dates I have that he wrote in the back of his diary and realized his wife, Lucina would at this time be pregnant with what will be twins. She also has a one year old (she will be my great grandmother) along with a 7 year old boy and a 4 year old boy when we left off in May of 1899. The twins will be born in October of 1899. I do wish I would have Lucina's thoughts on paper too. I am thankful for the diary I have, but it just peeks my curiosity about Lucina life. Here below is the information John wrote in the back of his diary.

John Braden was born in the year of 1864 December the 19th
Lucina Gatton was born in the year of 1867 November the 11th
Lora May Braden was born in the year 1891 of May the 4th
Harry Vanburen Braden was born in the year of 1892 September the 25th
John Young Braden was born in the year of 1895 June the 26th
Cora A. Braden was born in the year of 1898 June the 29th
Ray B. and Fay G. Braden were born in the year of 1899 October the 19th
Dorothy J. Braden was born in the year of 1902 July the 17th

Lora May Braden died May 26, 1893
Fay Gatton Braden died October the 15, 1900

Sadly it looks like when he wrote this diary they had already lost one child. They lose Fay just under a year after she was born.

Page Fifty Five John Braden's Diary

sunday the 14
we are about out of water Wife is sick we got a half ton coal yesterday

Wensday the 17
i played for a dance got $3 00 Minnie came i paid dr pond $2 00

tuesday the 23
i paid my log dos i got $1 50 of coal i saw Jo barns boot a load of fodder & some grond feed

Wensday the 24
it turned cold to day

thursday 25

friday the 26
got a letter from ed Jo Barnes brought me some feed $4 00 i owe him

Saturday 27
plaid the fiddle at John G i got $1 50

sunday 28
home all day

monday 29
pay day paid the store sill $6 92 six dollars & 92

Page Fifty Four John Braden's Diary

Janury the 3
we got a letter from marion pa was here to day wife went up town got 1/2 ton coal paid john $1 00 got a load of straw & a bail of hay 50 cents of brand got harry a pair of pants paid the feed bill $1 20

thursday the 4
Ida was here to day wife paid her $1 00 working in the foundry pooting up feed mills

friday the 5
i bought a clock on a years time the price $10 00 paid $1 00 down cora comenced to walk to day she is 18 months & 7 days old

saturday the 6
We have got a new teamester

friday the 12
ma went to illinoise to day effie roate that gina was pritty sick Ed gatton came here to nite

saturday the 13
ed & i went to georges to a dance i got $2 25 for playing the fiddle the baby bothers me so i can hardley rite.

Page Fifty Three John Braden's Diary

January the 2
Jim spurlling came to the foundry to day i told him to give me a dollar & i would call it _____ for the dance i got payed last night for my weeks work $8.00

December the 19, 1899
Was my birthday the 35 years old folkes had quite a suprise on me with a big supper When i came home from work i opened the door & be hold the the table streched across the floor loaded down with the good things ma got me a nice easy chair to hanker chiefs & a pair of sock & a shaver mug

Page Fifty Two John Braden's Diary

December the 23
i played the fiddle at Horse fords got $2 00

monday the 25 christmas
we all went to John Gattons for dinner had turkey i got my wife a hat for x mas i got hankerchief & sock & coof buttons & neckty old sandy brought the boys a pocket book a peace & a nice book

thursday the 28
i paid the store $4 50

January the first new years day 1900 cencury
i worked all day me and a nuther played the fiddle at the Hall John G got in a fite i just took in money enough to pay the other fiddler the other fiddler was a gittar player

Page Fifty One John Braden's Diary

saturday the 11th
John & Ella selebraded there ten wedin with dancen i got $2 50 for playing the fiddle

sunday the 12
i worked 2 hours in the foundry

monday the 13

saturday the 18
i played the fiddle at charley joneses got $3 75

sunday the 19
we all went to G W Gattons for dinner

wensday the 22
we all went down to John G to dance i got $3 00 for playing the fiddle

thursday 23
still working in the foundry

friday the 24
i got $5 00 of coal

saturday the 25
we wint to robes ____ to a dance i got $3 75 for playing the fiddle

sunday the 26
slept all day

monday the 27
pay day i got $2 98 after paying my coal bill i went to the log i got shaved got home 10.50 oclock

December the 17
i was in bed all day i played the fiddle at georges last night got $2 35 i played for a dance at robert got $2 00 it was on the 2nd of dec. i got a Hog from John G for $5 50 i sold Joe B the calf sold the pigs got $7 32 for the calf $10 50 for the pigs sold 18 _____ for $3 90

Friday, December 07, 2007

Page Forty Nine & Fifty John Braden's Diary

friday the 20
the dr called this morning i paid him $8 00 i got $6 00 from ma wife and the twins are doing very well

saturday the 21
i went to toms & played the fiddle got $1 75 Harry went with me

sunday the 22
mamro brought my mare home yesterday i went up town a little while Joe B brought me some sorgern molases

monday the 23
Hattie Hopkins came to work for us a week i got paid to night $6 12

tuesday the 24
i took a bath Hatty went home last night so i gess ma will do the work now

wensday the 25

thursday the 26

friday the 27
i workd 4 ours to night

saturday the 28
wife got up today i went to a dance at John gattons i got $2 85 for playing the fiddle

sunday the 29
i helped torny to move the piano

monday the 30
this is pay night i got $8 25 i paid my store bill $6 32 i took a team to board at $3 50 pr week

tuesday the 31
John gatton brought me 2 _____ of ____

Wednesday first of nov
i play ed the fiddle for a dace at charle Joneses i got $2 00

thursday the 2

friday the 3

saturday the 4
i played the fiddle horse boards $3 50

sunday the 5
Jo Barnes came in & i went out in the country to ed ferls with him

monday the 6
was pay day i got $7 50

tuesday the 7
was lexion day

wensday the 8

thursday the 9

friday the 10
i got a load of hay from Jo barnes i am to pay him $1 50 for it the man that had his team in the barn is going a way he give me an order for $5 50 on the railroad Co for board for the team i worked 3 ours to night & 3 ours last night & 1 our night be fore last

Page Forty Eight John Braden's Diary

sunday the 15
i took Harry to sunday school i went to the doctors ofice i let John _____ have my mare to shoch corn with

monday the 16
i got payed $7 06

tuesday the 17
Jo Barnes was up to the foundry to day i went up town after supper got shaved got some stake & sasage paid my dues

Wensday the 18
well after my days work don i went up town paid my store bill $13 13 got some mutten & sasage & a half pinte lickor 10 cents worth of benanas

thursday the 19th
ed B. came after me about three o clock said my wife wanted me i came home they went after the doctor the twins was born about 4 oclock a girl & a boy the girl waid 11 lbs the boy waid about 5 lbs Jo B brought me a load of hay for $6.00

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

7 Random Things - Chain Letter From Hell

Ok, Bettybetty from Itchy Bits just tagged me.

Here are the rules:

-Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
-Share 7 facts about yourself.
-Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
-Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I have homeschooled my children for 9 years now.

2. We eat out way too much.

3. If I didn't have kids, I probably wouldn't get out much.

4. I don't know how to "link" yet so this post will be an experiment.

5. I wold like to start dating again, but it is hard to do when you are still married :)

6. My favorite time of the year is Fall.

7. I need to sleep more.

My victims are as follows :


I know this is only three, but I am at a loss so there you go!

I just checked the entry and none of the links showed up so I am cutting and pasting.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I Am Going to Go Hibernate Now!

Ok, I shouldn't complain, I do live in the suburbs of the Windy City. Give me the wind any day. I can take almost any driving condition except ice! When we went to son's practice about 35 minutes away it was already snowing and I remember hearing we should be getting some bad weather today, but I drive in snow all winter. I should have listened to the radio and I would have stayed home. We started out with flurries, but by the time we got to band (about an hour with traffic slowing down) the weather turned to small ice pellets that hurt while you were out in it. I sat in the car and read while son was in practice and happened to call my friend who asked if I was crazy and haven't I listened to the weather lately? Yep and nope, I may be crazy and I haven't been listening to the weather. After two hours in the parking lot my car was a sheet of ice that I thawed for a half hour before son came out of band. I knew watching everyone slide out of the building I was in trouble! I had a hard time making it out of the lot because we were sliding. Let me interject I am a terrible winter driver who panics in bad weather. Not a great combination. I got out onto the road which is a country type road that salt truck don't make it down until the main roads are done. Throw in the big hill I have to make it up to get to a main road and we have panic. All cars were driving slow passing the ones that tried to go faster in the ditches. It did look pretty, just like glass. I kept telling younger son we will never make it up the hill and we are never coming out of the house this winter again! I was so upset he even offered to drive, mind you he has never driven a car! I pulled over just at the base of the bridge on the shoulder planing on turning around and trying an other way after the two cars behind me passed. A very nice guy in a truck pulled up and rolled down his window and asked if we were ok. I told him I was afraid we wouldn't make it up the hill. He told me to just start going and don't stop. Well I followed him over the hill and made it to the main street. There was only a guard rail on the very top of the hill on the way up if we would have slid it would have been a good fall off the road. On the main street people were still going about 30 instead of 50, but at least the roads were better traveled and not as slippery. I hope I haven't scared younger son for life :) I am telling you when I am in my 70's my boys better come pick me up because after my 60's I am giving up Winter driving! Mind you I have over 20 good years before then, but I though I would give them fair warning! I am off to pray older son makes it home now from work. He just called and he is on his way home. Mostly express way so hopefully those roads will be clear.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

I know it is necessary, but this time of year it tires me out! We are heading into all the programs we are in finishing up for the year. Both kids are playing for lessons and carols in church the 9th. It is one of my favorite services. They had a practice already and one coming up in just a few hours :) Which reminds me I should be in bed! After that practice older son goes to work and younger son goes to practice at our fine arts group for band, choir, and tone chimes. We just had drama practice this afternoon from 1:30 until 5:00. Then the next two weeks it is more of the same. The play is on 13th and the band/choir/tone chimes/ orchestra is on the 17th. Younger son was suppose to walk in a parade with the Boy Scouts tomorrow, but practice was changed and now the parade is out. Actually it turned out well because tomorrow we are expecting rain and snow most of the day.

We drive about 35 minutes to the place we have fine arts, so the problem I always encounter is what to do with my time if I don't want to drive home. Today I did a little Christmas shopping so that was nice to get out of the way. Tomorrow I am just bringing magazines. Remind me again why I told younger son drivers ed is out until after next Spring? :)

On an other note, I have all my Christmas cards ready to go out in the morning. I held them until December 1st just so they weren't stamped in November. I have 4 packages going out too. I like to get those in the mail early because you never know when those will get there.

Our families "not so Christmas Eve party" on the 23rd is back here again. We are looking forward to having the family here. Anyone out there enjoy housework? I have plenty if you are looking for something to do :) I can throw in the laundry too!

Except for stocking stuffers, I believe I ordered my last Christmas gift on line tonight. I won't mention what it is just in case either son happens to read this. There are a couple of movies coming out still before Christmas I will pick up, but then I am done! I enjoy the wrapping part. I found the coolest set of gift tags at Target the day after thanksgiving. They are in a cute box, 75 tags for $7.99. Very unique I have enjoyed picking out ones to use.

That's about it. It is 2:30 here and we are on our way out the door at 8:30. I am going to swing past the post office and then after practice at church do some grocery shopping before the next rehearsal. I am planning a nice dinner tomorrow. Older son usually can't eat with us any more when I get around to making a dinner because he is usually at work at that time, so since he will be home in time tomorrow I thought I would make some ribs. Maybe some garlic toast to go with it.

The boys and I were so excited this week. We have the North Pole village from Department 56. We haven't added any pieces for awhile, we were just out of room and it does get expensive. Well this year we put the village under the tree. It looks nice and gives it some room to spread out. Younger son just happened to be looking on line and one of the new houses this year was a Mickey Mouse Watch Factory. Since we went to Disney this year, it just fit right in :) So we added a new house this year to the village. I am going to try and link a picture here
I'll check and see if that worked. Both boys talk about what type of village they want for their families when they move out. Younger son wants them all! He is planning on a big enough house with enough rooms to put up a different style of village in different rooms. He already has dibs on this one too.

That's about it from here. Sunday I am going to try and get some pictures with the kids and Milo by the tree. Milo has a Santa suit, but I think he has outgrown it. He will be very happy if it doesn't fit :)

Have a great weekend!

p.s. The link does work for the Mickey House if you copy and paste.