Saturday, December 08, 2007

Page Fifty Five John Braden's Diary

sunday the 14
we are about out of water Wife is sick we got a half ton coal yesterday

Wensday the 17
i played for a dance got $3 00 Minnie came i paid dr pond $2 00

tuesday the 23
i paid my log dos i got $1 50 of coal i saw Jo barns boot a load of fodder & some grond feed

Wensday the 24
it turned cold to day

thursday 25

friday the 26
got a letter from ed Jo Barnes brought me some feed $4 00 i owe him

Saturday 27
plaid the fiddle at John G i got $1 50

sunday 28
home all day

monday 29
pay day paid the store sill $6 92 six dollars & 92


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