Friday, August 24, 2007

Not John Braden's Diary :)

I have done a few of John Braden's diary entries so I thought I would catch up on present day :) We had a pretty uneventful week this week except for the weather. We have had storms everyday. On Thursday our town made the news with 75 mile an hour winds. The storm area was wide and we had two different storms come through. We were told to take shelter because of tornadoes in the area. This was the first really bad weather while we were all in different places. Older son had just left for work as a sheet of rain coming sideways hit. We didn't have on the TV or radio, so we had no idea the storms were coming. About a half hour earlier the sun was out and shining as I drove younger son to the mall. I had one son driving through the storms on his way to work and one at the mall doing his war gaming. Younger son called (What did we ever do without cell phones?) from the mall letting me know they evacuated the second floor where he was and everyone went to the shelter areas. Talk about heart wrenching! We were all safe and the storm passed in just a few minutes. We had sever storms on and off all night. As soon as it was clear I headed to the mall to pick up younger son. He thought it was quite an adventure :)

I have been working a lot this week on genealogy and getting my charts in order. Some of it is going in the cookbook. I want to scan some of my information onto the blog, but again my scanner needs something updated from the website that I am clueless about. I will have to work on that. The kids have been busy this week with school. Younger son not as much since I am finally getting around to doing a schedule for him today. He has just started his Spanish course and a few assignments in each of his books. Older son is hardly ever home this semester! He has already caught up until October on his Music Appreciation on line course (mandatory for graduation this December)and is at college all 5 days this semester. I have actually seen books this semester so I think that is a good thing :) We go Saturday to visit his new school and fill out all the financial stuff and meet everyone. I am praying for him, he really wants to go here so we are relying on the school to figure out a way to finance it. By the time younger son is ready, we will be pros at this!

Driving around today we have a lot of debris in the streets and branches all over. It seems like the town over from us had more tree damage. There are street light out and traffic is slow because of it. We are very happy we did not lose our electricity. What would I do with out the Internet up! :)

I have had a lot of traffic through here lately which is great! I was amazed when I saw how many people found this blog through googling itching mite bites! I guess younger son is not the only one that has been bitten. I just looked younger son over and although he still itches a little all his rashes have gone away, the swelling is gone and only small scabs are left. He only has 3 more days of antibiotics left so he has itched now for longer the the 10 to 14 days! He thought they were mosquito bites for over a week and it has been 8 days since I called the doctor after he showed me them and his ankles were all swollen. I wish I would have thought to take picture last Thursday or Friday. Oh well, maybe next time....


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