Saturday, October 27, 2007

Page Forty Five John Braden's Diary

sunday the 24
i went to the depot & got my check i paid the store paid howk

monday the 25
i worked setting up mills & halling mills got paid i wint up town paid my feed bill $7 50 i loned ed B a dollar paid $3 00 on the baby buggy got 15 cents of _____ we had fish for supper

tuesday the 26
putting up mills till noon halling mills after dinner i took the boys up town to night went to a show took my famley

wensday the 27
worked in the foundry went up to the Webester city street fair at night

thursday the 28
worked in the foundry went up town after supper

friday the 29
worked in the foundry all us formdry boys went up town at noon to see the man jump off of the hye tour i mashed my finger


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