Stranger Then Fiction
The kids and I saw "Stranger Then Fiction" today. I normally don't like that younger son is getting older :) I have anxiety attacks thinking about both kids being grown up. I have thought of an up side to all of this growing up stuff. We can see movies that grown ups see too. I was thinking of that while we saw the movie today. It wasn't G rated and didn't have anyone from Disney Channel or Nickeloden Channel staring in it. Don't get me wrong, I do like kids movies too. Matter of fact while we watch previews we usually talk about if a movie looks good that is coming up and now I am like, yah, that sounds good and younger son gives me that look that says your kidding. This was a movie that grown ups would go to see. I did enjoy the movie and both kids like it. We all thought it would be funnier from the commercials though.
Earlier this week we saw Santa Clause 3. We all liked that one too. It was our first Christmas'y think we did this year. We do have to still go buy a tree this year too. Maybe next week.
With the Holidays coming I am hoping we stay caught up on school work too. I usually give the kids from Thanksgiving until Mid January a break from all their regular books, but this year we are finishing up by the end of March so no big holiday break. Older son is on his own schedule because he is in college, so he will have a nice break. I am sure younger son and I will take a longer break then scheduled :)
This week we were able to go to the bowling alley to get new shoes for younger son. We thought we would be watching the local high school team play an other team, but their on-line schedule was off. So they don't play until Monday. Since younger son is trying out next Fall we thought we would go see their at home games and get an idea of how they play.
Last night we saw Plague of Angels at a local college. Younger son reviewed it right below this entry. I enjoyed it, but it was so different then the last two comedies we saw. It was such a small theater, actually just a room. We were so surprised that a college wouldn't have a theater. The acting was good. I am glad we went to experience such an intimate setting.
Tonight it is off to church. The kids are cleaning their room now before we go. What a mess! They are arguing more then cleaning. Lucklily younger son did most of his during the week and older son has been in there a long time before younger came to help again. Other wise I would have lost my mind long ago. We just have too much stuff in too small of a space. Most of the time I go with the flow, but some days I would give anything for more room. After putting a treadmill in the livingroom (and my bedroom for that matter), I had to take down my table that I use for a desk. It's where I paid bills and had all my writing stuff for ChemoAngels and just odds and ends. All that stuff ended up either in containers stacked in the kids room or on my computer desk stacked up.
The bedroom is a little more quiet now. They must be almost done. I hear older son playing guitar and younger just came out here to play with Milo.
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