Sunday, August 19, 2007

Down Town Today

My mom, sister, niece and I went on a brunch cruise boat at Navy Pier today. It was a great trip except for the rain and choppy water. We took a limo downtown since the air and water show was today and mom was worried about the walking. We only saw two planes the whole time. It was pretty cloudy and foggy. We were able to get a few pictures before the cruise. It started raining right before we boarded. Since the water was so choppy a few people were getting sick. I had my handy dandy Dramamine so I was fine. We circled Navy Pier for the two hours. I am not sure if we stayed close because of the weather or it was their usually route. I enjoyed taking some pictures off the back of the boat, but when we tried the upper deck it was raining too much to bring the camera out. We had a blast watching people try to walk around! It was a challenge to get your food and be able to get back to the table. The wait people were having fun with the drinks too! Our table was covered in coffee, champagne, and water by the time we left. We had to go up a flight of stairs to get to the bathrooms. Going up was ok, but the fun was trying to get back down with the boat rocking.

After we came back home we stayed at my parents for a bit and picked out the pictures for the cookbook. We are doing all pictures of my grandparents at different stages of their lives. I love the cover picture we picked. I am still thinking about putting some of the older family pictures in back with a family tree page. Now I just have to type in all the recipes on the computer. I figure since we are starting our school work tomorrow I will take a couple of hours each day and type in the recipes. The first time I started typing recipes in it took a couple of hours for 5 recipes! I have picked up the pace some, but it will take a while to put in around 300 recipes or so.

While I was on the boat the boys went to my best friend's daughters 21st birthday party. I met them there after my parents. We had a great time sitting around playing cards. I only stayed a couple of hours, but we always have a great time with her family. Happy birthday Julie!!

Well I am trying to keep better hours now that we are going to be getting up early again. I see I didn't make my 11:30 cut off, but it is only the first night and older son and I had to get in a CSI Miami :)


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